sessions overview

"Change is only a thought away."

 -Dr. Joe Dispenza -

alles geht besser!


everything goes better!  is my studios' theme!

Now you are already  in the direction  of CHANGE!

Below you will find a brief overview of the sessions that I offer.

Relaxation, body awareness, energetic balance and concrete impulses in the large field of possibilities

are already a BEGINNING.

Please use the online calendar to book a session. (The button can be found in the top left).

You can cancel or postpone meetings by yourself in the booking system.

Please read my code of conduct before!

  • Shiatsu

    Shiatsu is a japanese system which follows the Eastern understanding of healing. It assumes that the body is pervaded by energy channels, the meridians. Life energy -Ki - circulates in them.

    If this energy can flow freely, a person is both physically and mentally in balance, healthy and open to continuous growth and development. 

    Shiatsu uses gentle pressure with the thumb, hand and elbow as well as relaxed leaning with the whole body in order to get ki flowing again. In addition to vitalizing and relaxing techniques, stretching and joint mobilization are also used.

    Shiatsu helps to restore and maintain the unity between body, soul and spirit. Spots that want attention and hidden potentials equally get attention. The self-healing powers are strengthened. 

    Shiatsu is mostly performed lying on a futon on the floor, depending on individual needs we can work in sitting position as well.

    Please bring comfortable clothing and, if necessary, warm socks, as sessions are always performed clothed.

    A session lasts 60 minutes. The fee is 80 €.

    You can ask for a social discount.

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  • Shin Tai Bodywork

    Shin Tai Bodywork is a synthesis of Eastern and Western treatment concepts that expand traditional Shiatsu. The focus is on working with governing and conception vessel, structural alignment of hips, pelvis and vertebrae, fascial techniques, working on the central channel and meninges, hara work, as well as finding and releasing stress patterns.

    In Shintai, deep stress patterns can be identified and gently resolved on different priority levels. If tensions and conditioning are allowed to be released and there is more freedom of movement in the body, this has an effect on our perception of time: more presence arises, lightness comes back and thus also strength and attention for the present moment: we are more present and feel lighter and more flexible.

    Shintai is performed with clothes on while lying on the futon or body cushion. In the session there are sequences in which there is no touch, in order to observe the system and to give it time to realign itself and to integrate new impulses.

    Please wear comfortable clothing.

    A session lasts 60 minutes. The fee is 80€.

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  • Gua Sha

    Gua Sha is a folk healing technique from the time when medical care was not yet widespread. It occurs throughout Asia under different names and is mainly known from TCM.

    In contrast to Shiatsu/Reiki, Gua Sha is not carried out with clothing, but rather directly on bare skin and with oil.

    There is currently a Gua Sha beauty trend that proclaims a tightening of the skin and a rejuvenating effect on the face, but the technique itself has a centuries-long deeper, health-supporting and prophylactic tradition.

    With light massage movements, oil is applied to the area to be treated and then stimulated with horn/crystal plates via mechanical stimuli - scraping. As a result, blood flow to the skin, muscles and connective tissues is increased (usually even faster than with massage).

    This stimulates the supply of oxygen-rich blood and body fluids and improves the removal of toxins and deposits in the tissue. 

    Gua Sha is a reflex therapy and stimulates acupressure points and reflex zones and reduces or dissolves tension.

    Despite the slightly meditative and generally painless technique, deep relaxation is achieved.


    The technique usually produces CLEAR SKIN REACTION, especially in the area of the neck and back, which, similar to cupping, is accompanied by large-scale hematomas and petechiae (reddish bleeding into the skin) and redness, or can also cause small lumps similar to fish skin (translation from Sha: shark skin / sand skin). THIS IS WANTED!

    A session takes 30 minutes.

    Please bring a towel.

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  • Matrix transformation

    ∙ Do you want to change? ∙ Find the perfect apartment? ∙ Turn wishes into reality? ∙ Dissolve a pattern? ∙ Clarify or improve a relationship? ∙ Bring light into a stuck situation? ∙ Reach a goal more easily? ∙ Simply bring more lightness into your life? ∙ Get back into your strength?


    Find out what the 2-point method can do and how it feels when you free yourself from reality and generate new possibilities.

    Everyone has the ability to do so.

    I conduct the session individually, either standing / moving in the room, lying down on the treatment table or in a combination of both. We will discuss everything else on site.

    One session lasts 60 minutes. The fee is 80€.

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  • Reiki

    Reiki sessions are always conducted clothed on the treatment table.

    The goal is to harmonize the energy system and to improve circulation of Ki, which can have effects in a physical, emotional or psychological level.

    In the session I put my hands on different parts of the body. Energy is floating and sets new impulses to your system. If you wish, we can have a short feedback after the session.

    Reiki can be very relaxing - so please plan enough time afterwards to integrate the session.

    The actual Reiki session usually takes 45 minutes, with preliminary and follow-up talks it takes about 60-70 minutes. The fee is 80€.

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  • Cyber Sessions

    Matrix and Reiki sessions can also take place as remote sessions. You can choose between 30 and 60 minutes per session.

    To do this, we make a brief appointment by phone or email and discuss the topic. Then lie or sit comfortably while I contact you energetically and work on your topics. It can be a very relaxing experience, which is why it's nice to be able to rest a little longer.

    I handle it in such a way that I send you a short feedback via SMS / email at the end of the session, which you can then access when the time suits you. We can then exchange ideas later about your condition and your experiences. 

    Usually, clients feel when the remote session is over and our energetic contact is losening up.

    The fee is 40 / 80€.

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